Oh my freaking Cthulhu... I just about pissed myself laughing when I saw
this. Easter eggs are Satan's testicles now?
I think the real riot occurs down at the bottom where it says customers
who bought this book also bought works by the following authors. ADOLPH
HILTER TOPPED THE LIST!!!! ROFLMAO!!! This was followed by Pastor Deacon
Fred, a fictional character created by Chris Harper of the Landover
Baptist Church parody. Ex(Thank Cthulhu again)-President George W. Bush
came in third. Finally we have a hate-monger by the name of Rev. Fred
Phelps, of the GOD HATES FAGS fame.
Wow... just wow. Thanks Michele for bringing this to my attention. I
honestly just about lost it when I saw this. I believe this is satire,
though sadly Rev. Fred Phelps is not.
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