Friday, April 22, 2011

Seed saving: Tomatoes    Materials needed:         *      Tomatoes(preferably heirloom)       *      sharp knife       *      spoon       *
Seed saving: Tomatoes

Materials needed:

* Tomatoes(preferably heirloom)
* sharp knife
* spoon
* plate
* fine mesh sieve
* laundry soap
* turkey baster with rubber bulb on end
* kitchen sink
* glass cup or canning jar
* paper towels

Optional materials:

* envelope or plastic freezer bag
* permanent marker

Step one: Slice the tomato open from stem to base using the sharp knife.
This will expose the core.

Step two: Remove the seeds from the tomato core using the spoon.

Step three: Put the gelatinous seed material into the fine mesh sieve.

Step four: Put some laundry soap over the seeds and scrub them with the
rubber end of the turkey baster in the sink with water.

Step five: When the seeds are free of the gelatinous material, rinse
them thoroughly and place in a glass cup half full of water.

Step six: Remove any seeds that float to the surface, are broken,
discolored, or otherwise damaged.

Step seven: Spread the seeds on a paper towel and allow them to dry.
This may take about a week.

Step eight(optional): If doing multiple cultivars, mark the paper towel
with a permanent marker to distinguish different varieties.

Save the seeds after they have completely air dried in either an
envelope or plastic freezer bag.

Store in a cool, dark area away from moisture. Seeds generally lose
vitality at a rate of 10% per year if properly stored.

By: Chad Alexander Worden

Originally produced as a pamplet for The Shire of Loch Cairn

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